Incredible story and graphics!
What makes this a great game is that it's not just a pretty game, which it is, but it has a great story line with incredible voice acting. I enjoyed all of Nathan's comments as I played through the environments. One in particular that stands out, SPOILER ALERT, is when Nathan and Chloe are on the rooftops. On top of the Hotel there's a swimming pool and for the heck of it I jumped in. I was surprised by the hilarious conversation between the characters and how Nathan wanted to play Marco Polo. I really enjoyed those small details that occurred throughout the game.
The environments on this game were gorgeous, whether it was in the city or in the lush jungles. I found myself looking at the entire landscape when I was on the rooftops on hanging by the cliff side.
Bottom line: If you are a PS3 owner the Uncharted games are a must buy.