I was expecting this game to be great...turns out it was better than I expected.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2, the sequel to uncharted drakes fortune, takes everything that the first game had, makes it better, and throws in some extra tweaks to the the problems of the first one. This game is great when it comes to gameplay, half the game sees you jumping from cliff to cliff, climbing buildings, and swinging with ropes. The controls during these moments are simple, pressing the X button makes you jump, while air-born move towards the ledge you want to grab on. These simple platform elements may seem a little mind-numbing but they have a little bit of a challenge to them, such as shooting down a box that is attatched to a rope that you can swing once the box breaks. The environments are mainly why the platforming is so great. Which leads us to the subject of graphics, they are truly stunning, the best graphics I've seen in a while. In between the platforming areas there are some exhilerating shootouts with various enemies. These fun little pieces of 3rd person shooter action are perfect when coupled with a nice cover mechanic. A couple of things in the original uncharted were left unfixed, such as the "resilient enemy" as I call it, it is basically just enemies that take a couple more bullets than physically possible. The plot is similar to the first in the fact that your looking for an artifact, a few twists here and there make it your run-of-the-mill plotline. The characters however is where the game really shines, well-devoloped, and usually humorous, characters make the game seem real. Overall this game is beautiful, a masterpiece worth playing over and over again.