Uncharted 2 is why I continue gaming at age 40.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Even my wife of 15 years, who finds my video gaming to be a rather childish (albeit adorable) endeavor, got caught up in this game. It'd be hard to top this title. It's got everything. Shooting perfection, challenging (but not impossible) puzzle-solving, incredible, cinematic cutscenses, AMAZING graphics. If you're like me and enjoy a challenging, but fair single-player experience, go buy this game right now. I have not yet tried the multi-player portion of this title, but I may just do so. At one point, I was a respectable Quake (remember that game?) player, but I have no real interest in going head-to-head with a bunch of 15-20 year olds who've got each and every map memorized. But the single-player experience is what this game is all about. Run to your local gaming retailer and cough up your $60.00 with no guilt or remorse. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is why video gaming continues to be a powerhouse in America, despite our weak economy. This is one game that I have NO remorse for buying. So feel no reservations about this title. Go buy it and enjoy it!