Uncharted 2 is a perfect blend Story, Gameplay, Characters, Graphics, Level design and Multiplayer.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2 was my Game Of The Year. I loved every minute of the campaign. I fell in love with the characters and truley got engaged in the story. I love a game with good graphics and gameplay but the best part for me is the story.
Here is my opinion in the categories I listed.

Story- As I said above I love a good story. Uncharted 2 has one of the best stories in a game i have played recently. Many companies just want to get a game out there with good gamplay and multiplayer but Naughty Dog went the extra mile and made a truly amazing and engaing story.

Gameplay- The gameplay was very well made for this game. U can shoot an enemy while hanging behind cover or go gears of war cover style. The silent kills are a great mix into it all and alot of fun to pull off. The hand to hand combat was not very good in the first game but was very good in Uncharted 2. All the guns felt great and were fun to use.

Characters- All the characters were great in the sence that they all had a unique characteristic and were beleivable. The character models were very well made and all the characters looked great.

Graphics- Uncharted 2 had some of the best graphics last year. I mean it did get an award for them. All the shadows, textures and just about anything you could name looked great in the game. The detail put into it was amazing.

Level Design- I usually dont care about level design but i decided to bring it up in Uncharted 2 because it is very good. I have played though the game 2 times now and have noticed that in many different areas the levels are so vast and well made that I can tackle the problem many different ways. It is good to have a game that actually had some thought in the areas.

Multiplayer- To be honest I havent played very much of the multiplayer just about 20 matches or so. The multiplayer was alot of fun though. I prefer FPS type multiplayer but Uncharted 2 pulls it off. The best part for me was the
Co-Op style multiplayer though. I thought that was a very good addition to the game sence you cant play through the campaign with friends.

All in all Uncharted 2 is amazing and I recomend it to any PS3 owner.