Pretty close to perfect, this game will blow your mind with its great story, dialogue, humor, gameplay, and graphics.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Just to get it out of the way, yes, the graphics are phenomenal. Easily rival MGS4's, and frankly I'm not sure which of the two is better.

As much as I wanted to give this game a 10, and believe me, I would've, if only for its sheer fun factor, I gave it a 9.5 for two reasons:
First, the cover system pissed the hell out of me when trying to move from the corner of a table to the other side of it, and this happened a couple times in the game. But it's not something you particularly need in the game, I just enjoyed the stealth kills and that method was necessary in some cases and it never worked. Also, sometimes, the platforming controls feel like they could be a bit better. Drake didn't always get to where I wanted him to go easily/quickly enough.

The second reason is that it feels a bit too familiar: the story, while I greatly, and I mean that to its fullest extent, enjoyed it, definitely felt a bit too familiar for my taste, unlike, let's say, MGS4 or God of War (say what you want of the plot holes, there's nothing close to its story's sheer enjoyment when it comes to Greek mythology, video games or otherwise). UC2 just felt like Indiana. Not a bad thing at all, really, but familiar. If I'd knocked off a point for that, it would've become a 9, but it really doesn't deserve it.

Now, as for the actual aspects of the game:

Graphics - mindblowing. Not gonna spend too much here except to say it's truly a beauty to look at, with an insane amount of details in each environment and many characters, and has a gorgeous and very varied color palette, unlike the 2 color brown-and-gray palette of KZ2. The only way I can fault the graphics is the teeth, and Chloe's eyes. For some reason they just don't come off right.

Gameplay - platforming is fun, if only because it gives you time to admire the graphics, and the humorous dialogue of Drake's luck and monkey skills. Shooting, however, is where the gameplay really shines. The guns (and I mean the guns, as in the small L shaped things, not the rifles) are, for the first time I can remember in a game, actually REALLY useful and seriously fun to use. I found aiming easy and the stealth a much-needed addition to the series. The rifles (aside from the AK probably) are all really useful in their own methods, and you'll want to try each one before the game's up. Thankfully, grenade controls no longer use the Sixaxis, which makes it far easier and actually makes them really useful now.

The game wasn't too hard, even on the hardest mode, aside from one or two battles I had to repeat a couple times. Better that than a grueling difficulty though. It's not exactly a walk in the park though, either.

Story - immensely enjoyable, and what I really enjoyed in this one is the emphasis on the characters. Few, if any, games, have more enjoyable characters. They're actually developed as people, the dialogue is film-quality (and not Michael Bay quality - ACTUAL quality), and there's a lot of humor bounced around. Even MGS4 failed at this aspect - as much as I love Snake, the characterization in the game could've been better, especially for the other characters.

The multiplayer - is just really fun. The only thing I can flaw it for is the lack of coordination. Getting into a match is easy enough, but what pisses me off half the time is the team I end up with. A handful of times, half the players are level 40+, and the other half 10-. More often than not, the 40's are packed together, and the 10's stuck together. This just isn't fair gameplay, and in fact, when the game plays out, you'll notice it's slaughter - the others can barely register 1 kill, let alone win. Some balancing in the teammaking should be made, but other than that, in the cases where teams are normal, the multiplayer maps and coop are really enjoyable, and I especially liked the variable heights aspect. All in all probably the best 3rd person shooter multiplayer of any game out there.

This was the first game I actually felt like Platinuming - and I had to play the game 3 times to do that. And I didn't mind one bit, it was amazing each time. The story will last you around 10-11 hours, but add one repeat because it's that amazing, and you're up to 20. I've played it for 44, personally, because it's that good. Not to mention the hours put into multiplayer.

Seriously, if you own a PS3, get this game. You owe it to yourself and to Naughty Dog, who have created a masterpiece. Probably the best game since MGS4.