Definitely the second Best Game ever created!
I cant describe it, its impossible the game is just AWESOME MASTER!
With stunning visuals (that still rank amongst the best in gaming today), a fantastically told story, great puzzles and high-octane gunplay, it's easily one of the best titles of this console generation. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Closing Comments
If you're reading this, it was unlikely that you weren't already going to buy Uncharted 2: Among Thieves on day one. Really, you just wanted to know how good it is, and fortunately I can say that it's very, very good. It's easily one of the best games on the system, blending fantastic presentation and visuals with gameplay that is practically second to none. And then there's the stellar multiplayer which you'll probably be playing until Uncharted 3 ships. No, Uncharted 2 is not perfect, but it's closer than pretty much any other game out expect Meatl Gear Solid 4 of course
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is fantastic. I
Uncharted 2 keeps all of that and builds on it.
There came a point when I was early in the game, and I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face as I took cover, shot bad guys, and did all the stuff I remember making the first game great. This was like putting on an old pair of jeans or picking up one of your favorite books again -- it just felt right. Toss in the fact that the new stealth kills are awesome and reward you for being sneaky, the game's prettier than ever, and that this game gives us an ending cinematic that's the perfect nightcap to this chapter of Drake's story, and you've got something amazing.
Admittedly, I think I set my expectations a little too high. The reappearance of rooms filling with waves and wave of baddies was annoying, the story felt a bit too familiar at times, and the fact that I would've liked to have seen some new Trophies dampened my spirits a bit, but there's no denying this is one of the best games on the PlayStation 3.
9.5 Presentation
Fantastic cutscenes tell a very good if not perfect story.
10 Graphics
Absolutely the best of the best these days. Your jaw will drop.
9.5 Sound
Great weapon effects, fantastic voice acting and a mostly brilliant (though sometimes overdone) soundtrack.
9.5 Gameplay
Great gunplay, stealth works very well (mostly), the puzzles are rewarding and, maybe even best of all, a killer online component.
9.5 Lasting Appeal
The game is give or take about 10 hours in length, which feels right, but then there's the multiplayer. Yes, you will be hooked.