It's been a long time since a game has melted my heart!
I recently just got a PS3 for God of War 3 and this game was the one game that kept comming up as a "You MUST Try" game. Watched the review and it looked amazing...
Just had no idea what i was in for! a gripping story line and some epic movement. It never got boring or fustrating either.
I fell in love with the great charictars and the voice acting and the bad guys were just so fitting for and epic story. This is just why i love games and i rarely now come across game i fall in love with. I just play game after game with little or no emoition and just end up not wanting to play it anymore. This has been the 1st game ive finished since Bioshock came out!
Its a must have game and sorry its take so long for me to relize...Xbox it going down hill from here im afraid!