Arguably one of the greatest games of all time. This review doesn't include online, and includes normal difficulty.

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted is a great sequel to a great game- in fact, Uncharted 2 is a great game in it's own right. Uncharted 2 has been rated the game of 2009 by many people. Some people says it can oppose against games like Ocarina of Time. This is my review of one of the greatest games of all time.

Gameplay- 9.5
Definitely an upgrade from the original Uncharted, but isn't perfect just yet. Every once in a while, you still roll when you mean to cover or cover in the wrong place. Expecting Uncharted 3 to make this even better.

Graphics- 10
This can only be explained in one word- Wow.

Story- 9.5
This time around, Nate is trying to find the lost fleet of Marco Polo. He goes to a museum which apparently has an old oil lamp that shows the location of the lost fleet. Along with him are two new characters- Flynn, and Chloe. You'll have to play to figure out the rest.(Note: they don't go to the museum until Chapter 2, and in the first you have absolutely no idea what's going on. Even if you've played the first.)

Voice acting- 10
More perfect voice acting. Seriously, where does Naughty Dog get these people?

I couldn't choose 9.5 or 10, so I chose 9.8. The music is pretty awesome- not as awesome as TLoZ or something, though. The sounds ARE AWESOME. They are perfect, pretty much. I would give the music a 9.5 and the sounds a 10.

Well, you've seen my review of Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. There's nothing left for me to say, really.