With a name like Nathan Drake, he must've got his ass kicked all the time in high school
Uncharted 2... well its got a great story, provided you throw aside those petty things like actual history and the availability of architectural technology available to ancient civilisations (I mean, just HOW did they build these immense complex dungeon areas bigger than a scene from Lord of the Rings!). Nathan Drake is on the trail to find Shimbala (Shangri La) with some buddies ranging from a Sherpa to a femme fetala (That had me thinking of Farscape the whole time). If there's one problem, its that the you could see the plot twists from miles away- the blond guy might as well have "I'LL BETRAY YOU!!" stamped on his forehead for how subtle he is.
Gameplay, gameplay... gameplay works well. Combats easy to grasp, traversing a map is efficient, and for once the camera actually likes you, pointing in a way that shows the path ahead, without a need to highlight it. Kudos for that and the level design.
So all in all, this game restocked my faith in the PS3, enough to continue my noble crusade.