This game is something really very extraordinary. If you like action/adventure games, then this one is a must buy for you. The story is really very interesting. The thing that impressed me the most about this game is it's stunning graphics. This game looks just BEAUTIFUL! Also there are very few glitches/bugs which makes this game perfect. The characters are again the ones from uncharted 1 but presented in a much better way. All this makes it much better than the previous part. It is a MUST TRY! As soon as you start playing this game, you might get reminded of the famous series, Inidana Jones. Nathan or simply Nate is a treasure hunter and is off to find the treasures of Marco Polo with his friends. The story is really very good and it is really very addictive. You are always curious to know what is gonna happen next. The environment is really very good. In fact there are many different environments unlike the first part. You will find yourself in a snowy region and the next movement you might be in jungle.Overall, this game is a must buy.
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The gaming world was first introduced to Nathan Drake in 2007's Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. This arrogant but likeable treasure hunter could do just about everything-he could solve complex puzzles, scale across rooftops,... Read Full Review
Uncharted 2 is possibly one of the greatest games to ever come out on the PS3. As amazing as we all know the 1st game was, Naughty Dog has managed to put together an even more amazing game, which is better in practically... Read Full Review