Uncharted 2 will take you for a ride that you will not want to end but sadly does.

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Lets get one thing out of the way this game is overrated, I mean everyone keeps saying its there favorite game ever or its the best game on the PS3, that is hype my friend trust me after 1-2 months Uncharted 2 will be forgotten by all thos casual gamers that spew out the "this is my favorite game" phrase more often then a drunk person falls down.

Story- Uncharted 2 has an amazing story, it has to be the second best story ive got to experience this generation of gaming. It is so well written it is unbelieveable that it is a video game, it feels like a hollywood movie script that cost 5 million dollars just to pay people to write it O_o. I do not want to spoil anything so I will not talk about it in detail but just get prepared for an amazing thrill ride of a story, hell you could buy this game just for the story because that is what makes this game so damn great IMO.

Graphics- Do I really need to tell you this game looks breath takingly amazing. These have to be the second best graphics I have seen this generation next to Bioshock. Yes I beleive U2 is nicer looking then Killzone 2 because Killzone has no color to it unlike Uncharted there is a whole lot of color and alot of detail into the game.

Gameplay- This is a hard one, Uncharted 2 has one of the best single player experiences of this generation of gaming, but also has horrible combat within the game. See what makes this game so much fun and so much like a movie is that there are moments in the game that are what I like to call "live action cutscenes" and they are basically moments in the game that have you fighting for your life without having to shoot anybody. For example lets say if you are getting chased by a big rock, in most games that would be a cutscene how ever in Uncharted it is a cutsene you get to play out and move Nathan Drake. This makes the game very fun and very much like a movie and I have yet to play a game to pull this off so well. Now about the combat in this game... it is very boring, if you have played the first Uncharted, which you should have, you would understand what I mean by boring. All the same weapons are here in Uncharted 2 except for 4 new ones and thats it. Through out the entire game you will most likely use only the M4 and the 9m pistole because all of the enemies carry them. That makes the combat very dull is that enemies pretty much stick to thos 2 guns so obviously you are going to stick mainly with them so you do not have to worry about ammo. There should have atleast been 7 new weapons to make the game more exciting in the combat department but w/e.

Now there are a couple of other things that make Uncharted 2 pretty bad also, the AI in this game seems pretty damn stupid. For example I was on a mission and there were 3 guys, 2 armoured guys and a normal shotgun guy. Anyway I snuck up on the normal shotgun guy killed him when the 2 other guys backs were turned and got away with it, then I died. Not a big deal until I tried it a second time, so I went back to that normal shotgun guy and once the other two men had there backs turned just like the last time I killed him, but some how the two other guys saw me do it when there backs were completely turned away from me. Basically the game decides when it wants to know where you are when you are trying to be stealthy and I find that very annoying. Plus every 6 seconds somebody, somewhere throws a grenade at you. I felt like I was playing Cod:waw all over again >__>. A second and probably the worst thing wrong with Uncharted 2 is its length. This game is sooo short, I beat it in 9 hours on hard and then 5 hours on crushing mode while getting all of the treasures, and yes I platinumed the game btw. Any game 10 hours or less should never ever get a 9.5 or above in a review! I mean that is just stupid, you spend $60 or more for a game so you should get a game that has at least 15+ hours. Also please do not say "Oh but Melpoe it has replay value and online" yeahwell not everyone replays there games like I do and not everyone has online like I do so you cannot just assume everyone does.

Bottom line Uncharted 2 is a great game and you have to own it if you have a PS3 but play the first one first. There is absolutely no excuse not to have played the first one since it just came out 2 years ago! and on the same damn console as this game. Basically im mad because you get all these casual gamers who are going to buy the second Uncharted without even playing the first simply because Uncharted 2 is lets face it, is Overrated and Overly hyped! if this game was not as hyped up as it is I bet 25% of the people that bought this game would not have even have bought it. I am so sick of hearing all these pathetic people going on and on at how amazing the game is but never even tried the first one. If you have played the first and say this game is amazing that is cool but if you have never played the first you have no right to even be playing this game, let alone calling it the best game ever.