It IS that good. But is it a game worth buying?

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Its pointless for me to go on and on about the finer details of what makes this game so great. Bottom line, it IS all that its cracked up to be. From the first chapter all the way through to the end, you will be glued to your controller. Everything about this game just screams polish and perfection. It really is a level at which all games will strive to compete with. That being said, is this a game worth forking over the 60 bucks?

Personally, I say no. Hear me out! The single player campaign is without a doubt, phenominal! However, I logged just over 10 hours to complete it. And I'm a bit of an explorer. I found a decent amount of treasure, and liked to see the beautiful levels that were created. I think someone who is really good at this game could probably do it in 8. So right there, I'd have to say its really not worth the money, if all you want is the single player mode.

If however, you want to play online multiplayer, this game might be well worth the 60 bones. There are several maps, and they plan to update maps, and add content all the time! That really makes the mode shine. And its a whole lot of fun sniping people while hanging off a sign. And the variety of game modes will appease just about any gamer. For me this really doesn't lure me in though. While liked every moment with the controller, I just can't see playing the online deathmatchs for very long. If that were my thing, I would probably get into a true FPS, designed for online deathmatchs.

Bottom line: RENT IT. In my rental period, I beat the game with two days. I then played a few online matchs, but just really wasn't all that interested. Some people might really get into it. If that you, go but this game! You will spend hours with it and love every minute. If your like me, and just wanted to play through the single campaign to see what all the fuss is about, then rent it. For me, the lasting power of a game is in its replay-ability. Personally, I wouldn't replay the story more, maybe once on hard. The online could very suck you in, a easily make this a must purchase. Try it before you buy it. And yes, this game will drop your jaw several times.