Simply put, Uncharted 2 is a beautiful game! A work of art; Masterpiece. Will contend for Game of the Year! [9.7]

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Short and simple: Uncharted 2 is amazing! If you haven't played Uncharted Drakes Fortune, I suggest you play that first, because it would make Uncharted 2 all that more satisfying. Uncharted 2 Among Thieves has it all: more than beautiful graphics, variety of fun gameplay, satisfying combat, amazing sound in music and voice acting, great story and cut scenes, variety of weapons and ways of defeating enemies, puzzle solving in large environments, climbing and fun platforming, and just an overall action packed story driven video game. You can tell a lot of work has been put into the game, and it utilizes the PS3's and BluRays' power and space.

The detail in the graphics in Uncharted 2 has vasty improved from an already amazing looking game in Uncharted 1. The enviroments are so large and in depth, you sometimes find yourself getting caught up in the breath-taking scenery. There is also the concept of battling while moving, such as shooting while collapsing. The story mode is also a little longer in Uncharted 2 than in Uncharted 1.

There is also excellent replay value with the edition of online (which also features co-op online), as well as money earned in the offline single player mode to purchase skins, bonus behind the scenes videos, concept artwork, specific weapons, special powerups (like one shot kills or infinite ammo), special effect rending, and much more.

A PS3 exclusive for the ages! I was hyped up for the game, and was never really disappointed. Truly enjoyable from start to finish: A Must Buy!