It's worth the 60beans all day long guys and girls!
It's like a movie you get to take control of, I found myself still pushing buttons even when a cutsceen would start.. You really can't tell the diffrance betweet a cs and normal gameplay, that's pretty sweet if you can't tell the diffrance between the 2... The urban warfare level kinda reminds me of metal gear solid 4, the graphics are unreal, a huge improvement compared to the first one. The new chick on the block that tags along with you in the first levels is actually a good shot and she helps you out alot, i'm not used to haveing an a.i partner actually helping me out, it's nice!
Even if you haven't gotten the first game and played it, this is something you don't really need to play the first in the series, Laura croft can sit this year out it's all about Drake this year boy and girls.