Prepare for the perfect action adventure game

User Rating: 10 | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves PS3
Uncharted 2 is easily the best action adventure game that I've ever played. With singleplayer and multiplayer combined, you'll be sucked in the game for a long time.

Graphics 10/10: Best on Ps3, period. Cutscenes are as good as CGI and ingame graphics are so beautiful. Textures are simply AMAZING! Motion blur and depth of field effects are well made. Despite the terrific visuals in the game, the FPS was so smooth and steady. I've beaten the game and haven't experienced a single FPS drop. Amazing really.

Sound 10/10: The voice acting is superb, with the combination of such great voice acting and graphics, you get very believable and realistic characters. Weapon and explosion sounds are also great.

Gameplay 9.5/10: Everything works perfectly, I loved the improved mellee combat, but it is kinda easy. Stealth works great too. Controls are sharp enough.

Presentation: 10/10: There are some really interesting new characters. I just love how they're so believable. Story has no ties with Uncharted 1 but I liked it, it's like the story of a good blockbuster adventure movie.

Extras 10/10: This game has killer extras!! You get a certain amount of money for every trophy you win and you spend that money buying different character skins, weapons, render modes, tweaks(slow mo, 1 hit kill and stuff) Making of Uncharted 2 videos are longer than I expected and they're fun to watch, loads of beautiful concept art is unlockable as well.

Multiplayer 9.5/10: Lagless, smooth, fun as hell. What more could you ask for? Both competetive and co-op modes are huge fun and will give you at least 15 more hours of playtime. Gives the game great value.

Story 10/10: Naughty Dog did a good job in balancing storytelling and actual gameplay -unlike what Kojima did with MGS4 which actually has the best gameplay ever but also has way too lengthy cutscenes and little gameplay time :(

So stop reading this review and go buy the game. If you can afford it, do NOT rent, BUY!!