Dude, this game is awesome! I had it for my 15th bday two weeks ago. Tbh, the swearing is very mild, like the violence.

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3
Dude, this game is awesome! I had it for my 15th bday two weeks ago. Tbh, the swearing is very mild, like the violence. I was expecting blood, but there is nothing like that, all you do is punch and kick people, like in Spider-man 2 and 3! LOL! The graphics are great, you can swim, run, walk everything! I wish there could be more games like this, loving it man. The game is brilliant and I recommend it to everyone out there! This is my favorite game ever, and always will be! Almost completed it too. I play this game everyday and have almost completed it, it is so good. I can't tell you how great it is. You guys really have to buy if you haven't already. So go, NOW and buy it ;) Lol, have a good xmas guys playing on uncharted 3! I will, oh, if you didn't know, you can go online and play with other people, which makes the game EVEN better! It's extremely fun and the best. Reply to this if you want my ps3 name, so I can play you on it! Some tiny little things could be improved, but I will keep my mouth shut because other than those tiny things, ITS AMAZING!
see ya