Uncharted 3 was one of the most visually stunning and excellent games i have ever played.
User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3
Uncharted 3: Drakes Deception is in my top 10 games list i have seriously fallen in love with it. when i first played Uncharted: Golden Abyss i finished it within two days this is what dissapointed me and how it was too dependent on the psvita features such as the touch screen but anyway I loved the characters and the storyline but because of it's short length i had given up on the series, when i went to EB games the next day to trade it in the girl at the counter had told me how the PS3 games aren't as short and easy so i hired Uncharted 3 from the video store and keeping in mind i only had 2 days to play it before reutrning it within that time i raced out and bought myself a copy of the limited edition game and what i loved in this game the most is it's multiplayer, when i got around to playing that (with my customized capture trooper character) i had an epic freakout from the excitement. the single player campaign was awesome it had a great story and plenty of adventure unfortunately about 3/4 of the way through the game i had to lower the diffuculty. If i could wish for any game to have a co-op mode it would be this one.....oh wait it does, thats right it has a CO-MOTHERF*CKING-OP mode YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. okay so all in all i would say it's number 3 or 4 on my top ten but i would definately reccomend this to anyone with a PS3.