Better than Uncharted 2. Still has its flaws though.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception PS3
It's hard not to marvel what Naughty Dog has given us. A technical Masterpiece Uncharted 3 pushes the Playstation 3 graphical processor to the limit. Lighting and textures are so real you feel as if you are exploring the lush locations Nathan Drake explores. Facial Animations are done almost as well. Uncharted 2 had amazing graphics and still does but it was hard not to notice the blank expression on Nathan's face the entire game. It is clear Uncharted 3 fixed this as Nathan now has multiple facial expressions throughout the game. Even little things like sand clinging to the heroes face or touching a wall through a narrow passage make you go "wow this is like a movie!" More specifically an action film The oh my god moments from previous instalments are bigger and better than ever,making you on the edge of your seat more than once.

As for gameplay and story telling be blunt yes you are once again looking for a lost city and still climbing and shooting for 9 hours. But Naughty dog added tweaks. You can now throw back enemy grenades and throwing them is notably smoother than before. Though by far the best tweak to the game is in the melee combat section. Drake has picked up a few moves. You can now fight two enemies at once, throw them and use your environment to your advantage. Some fights can be repetitive ( the brute will always fall on the same knee) but it is incredibly enjoyable to take out a dozen men with only your fists. Shooting although is not quite as satisfying. You have a variety of weapons but unlike Uncharted: Drakes Fortune and Uncharted 2 Uncharted 3's shooting feels clunky and unresponsive. Add this with the increased difficulty and you may have some frustrating shoot outs. So yes uncharted 2 has better shooting but when it comes to storytelling Uncharted 3 is superior. Once again
Nathan Drake is set off to find a lost city The Atlantis of the sands. This seems familiar but the story gets surprisingly personnel, elaborating on Drakes younger life and his relationship with Victor "God-damn" Sullivan. The ring Drake wore in previous titles is also by far more important in this game. Though good the game has various plot holes. The biggest one being than somewhere in between either Uncharted 1 and Uncharted 2 or Uncharted 2 and 3 Nathan Drake and the sassy reporter Elena Fisher were married then divorced. this made little sense and was a pointless sub plot. another thing that annoyed me is Charlie Cutter. Don't get me wrong he was a funny and interesting character but disappears during the 3 quarter of the game. Why ? Because he broke his leg ? pleaseeee.

As for Additional features Uncharted 3 does not offer much in the single player area. While Uncharted 2 had bonus costumes and cheats uncharted 3 lacks both and the replay value is a bit lower than expected. You still have treasures to find but I never really found that the reason for replaying uncharted 2 so many times. As for multiplayer this section of the game has been redefined. you have a variety of perks and weapons at your disposal. far more than before and the oh my god moments from the single player are here. Not everything is great though. enemies take more damage than before and the clunky shooting,though better than the single players is still well clunky. Besides that though there loads of customization and you can easily spend months on this multiplayer.

Uncharted 3 is a complete package guys. with amazing graphics and voice acting a solid story and satisfying melee combat and an action film feel this game is easily one of the best games to grace the playstation 3 yet