Action Adventure Game Fun, But It's Been Done
The controls, at times, were mind numbingly frustrating. At times Nate wouldn't roll into cover, but just stand out in the open taking shot after shot. The enemies fell after only a few hits, but Nate managed to withstand a barrage of bullets at times. The variety of guns was quite impressive, though I found the limit of ammo at times maddening. Though, the game didn't seem to require a massive amount of ammo, I never ran out. I also felt like Nate never moved all that quickly.
The graphics were quite impressive, the cut scenes were spectacular. The backgrounds and sets were nicely varied, for the most part, but after a while everything started to look the same. I did experience some slight screen tearing, but not much. It was enough to be noticeable. The voice acting was top notch, but I expect nothing less from the likes of Nolan North.
The story was fun and disposable all at once. I felt like I'd seen it before, heard it before, and while I may not have exactly seen it before, it felt that way. I think it sets the stage for a wonderful sequel, but I wasn't blown away by it, as I expected. Overall, a good first entry, though probably ground-breaking years ago, it now felt stale.