One of the best adventure games ever. Although a little short...

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
First of all, gotta admit. The game looks and plays like Tomb Raider. Perhaps a bit TOO much like it. But the deeply designed and colorful characters and the interesting storyline makes up for it.

Graphics look very VERY good. The lust tropical environments are beautiful to look at. Character's face impressions and speaking look very realistic and believable. Really, theres nothing that can be said about graphics, Uncharted is one of the best looking games at PS3.

I think the game deserves a 9.0. Would deserve a bit more if it was longer. Gamespot really underrated this game.

Gameplay is very realistic. Shooting people isn't very easy. Gamespot reviewer says that it can be frustrating sometimes but that's not true. When you try to shoot someone in the game, -unlike most other games- they try to dodge it and I don't know whats so frustrating about it, as it is the way it should be in all games.

Overall, the game is a must buy for any action adventure fan. And probably a great buy for anyone else.