The combination of third person shooting, excellent puzzles, and an unbelievable treasure hunt will attract everyone.
The one thing that makes this game a joy to play is the graphics. They are incredible, and are almost worth buying just for them. The story mode is a lot of fun, however, it is short somewhat short, and since there is no multiplayer, there is not much you can do except play it again in another difficulty.
+4: The graphics in the game are incredibly amazing. If you have ever thought about a game that took photo-realistic humans and enemies and environments, and put them into a video game, this is about as close as you are going to get. Even if the gameplay was terrible, the recreation of water that is put into the game would make up for it.
+2: Combat in the game is very, very good. The cover system is great, and the guns are a lot of fun to use, even if you do run out of ammo every 3 seconds.
+1: Puzzles can be pretty fun, but the best part about them is finishing them. It feels great just to move on, that is to say, they are very rewarding and fit into the stories nicely.
+1: When driving the Jetski, although it can be a little frustrating, it is a lot of fun blowing enemies off ledges while you dodge explosive containers. The controls are great, and it's a nice experience.
+0.5: There isn't a whole large selection of weapons, but the weapons that you do see are a lot of fun to switch between. Some weapons will kill in one shot, some weapons will fire a large rocket that has a large splash radius, and some shoot twenty bullets at once. The point is, weapons are not something that bring the gameplay down, but they instead add a little variety.
+1.5: The diverse environments in the game make it that much more fun to play. You will be exploring jungles, ancient city ruins, and even German ships. You will fight a whole bunch of different people, such as pirates, competing men who are also trying to get the treasure, and also (I would give you a spoiler warning, but story mode is very short, you should come across these people rather soon) "zombie" people.
All good games generally have something that somebody would change about them. Uncharted can be a little bit frustrating, and some of the traveling aspects are a little time-wasting.
-0.5: When you are required to traverse and area by jumping around from building to building, or shimmying cliffs, although it feels rewarding, you don't get anywhere, for the most part. The only parts of the game that you really feel like you have actually accomplished something are the parts where you have to point a gun .
-0.5: Some of the parts where you are required to jump from ledge to ledge can be easy, but other times it can be difficult figuring out which ledge to jump to, and can end up killing you. This will send you back to the last checkpoint, and that can sometimes be quite a walk away.
-1: Combat instances can be quite unbalanced, whether it is to your favor or to the enemy's, it takes away quite a bit from the gameplay.
-0: The story is that of a cliché treasure hunting movie. If the game were to be made into a movie, it would be pretty bad, but as it is, it works good with the game.
-0: The story will always find a way to have Elena ditch you (or you to ditch Elena). I don't particularly like this, but it doesn't take away from the game too much.
Final Verdict:
+8.5: An excellent game that I didn't spend too much time playing, but was fun nevertheless. If the second game in the series is supposed to be so much better, I can't wait to purchase it as well.