50% platformer 49% shooter 1% horror?
User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
This game cannot decide what genre it is. But it does it in a fun way. It's mostly a platformer that sees Drake jumping from cliff to cliff in a well rendered environment, then engaging some pirates or mercenaries depending on what stage you are in the game.This is where the 3rd person shooter comes in, where you use cover to shield yourself and you can hold L1 and press R1 to aim and fire. You can blind fire but it's not like Rainbow six's blindfiring its REALLY inaccurate. The horror comes towards the end of the game won't spoil anything though but lets just say its creepy. As for the graphics and sound effects...the graphics are truly amazing for 2007 almost rivaling current graphics on some games.The sound effects are fairly good, gunshots sound like gunshots explosions...not so much. Voice-acting is excellent. Story wise the game is a little cliche but a few twists toward the end of the game are pretty good but still unsuprising. Over all this game is definately worth your 60 bucks.