Nathan Drake is a normal guy who gets thrown into an adventure that may be more than he bargained for.
The presentation of this story and the lore is really well done. It doesn't
The story is really solid. It's not the deepest story ever made, but it gets the player to laugh and feel with the characters. The characters are well written and aren't too much or too little on screen. The cutscenes really give the characters the most depth and have the most converstations between the characters and giving the story the most drive. There is little chatter when you aren't in them except for the small interactions. It's mostly Drake being sarcastic or ironic performing a certain task. The story works really well with the villains and the main protagonists and they balance it really well. The only downside in the story might be the pacing for some. Most of the game is paced to a realistic action adventure, but at a certain point completely switches to a sci-fi horror game. This might put some people off, or might make them more interested. But it does change the tone drastically.
The graphics really are really beautiful at times and really stand out. They also have their own destinct look. Naughty Dog really put a lot of effort in all the different locations and they really stand out. There are certain levels you could just stand and look at, because they are really beautiful.
The gameplay itself has some issues though. Even though most of the time it goes smoothly, there are some issues with it. The gameplay is hard even on the lowest difficulty. With enemies overwhelming you a lot of the times giving players perhaps more than they bargained for at times. The ammunition is also very limited, making every shot count. Sometimes you also go out of ammuntion even though hitting on every shot. This might be very frustrating for some, but for others it's just a challenge. The platforming also has its issues at times not responding the way you want it to. Most of the time it goes really smooth and it is really well thought out. But sometimes the character on screen doesn't respond or does something you don't want it to. Most of the gameplay does run smooth and is great, but it is hard to overlook the bugs and faults that happen more than they should in this game.
+Geat Voice Acting
+Great Story
+Great Characters
+Great Graphics
-Bad Platforming At Certain Points
-Difficult AI's