I love everything on this game.
Anyway when i start play it and its totally wort it this game is something amazing. I play all games and i love that story. This first game was very good.
Graphics is amazing and very detailed. There´s no mistake about graphics, everything is great. Characters are very well written, and i totally love it everybody. Voice acting is great Nolan North make great character and his voice is great.
Gameplay is great. It´s pretty shame when you lot´s off time you shoot, because jumping was great and funny, shooting is good made, but there´s too much. What is little disapointing is ride on motor boat, it was pretty hard(I play it on normal mode) and not too much fun.
I love everything on this game, yes there´s some mistake and I hate that motor boat chapters but this game is really great, and i love all 3 games. If youre not play this game you must play it.