a visually amazing game which shows the unrivalled power of the ps3....very very good game

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Uncharted drakes fortune i must say really suprised me its a very well made game from the people who brought you crash bandicute...the game is set in modern day world..you play as nathan drake an indeptenedent adventurer who claims to be the decendent of sir francis drake....drake goes in search for an ancient relic believed to be the lost city of gold...your supporting cast includes sully drakes friend who seems to atract trouble ,and Ellena a news reporter who spends here time either wineing beside or your damsel in distress...The story moves at a steadly with some exciting twists near the end

What can i say about the visuals absolutely stunning with much of the game taking place in a dense jungle or in ancient ruins which is all in near photorealistic detail...the water trickles,plants sway.The character models and movement is do by actors doing the scenes which is then recorded and put into gameplay...the results are increible ,the emotions drake has u can tell just by looking at his face its quiet amazing

The gameplay is action packed.There are 2concepts that take up the running time in the game one is leaping and monkeying from ledges,and swinging from vines.this part works well and it flows smoothly from one motion to another...

But the combat can be really difficult in some areas.it consists mostly of gunplay with drake using shotguns,rifles and grenade launchers.Drake a preety frail guy a few shots and the colour stats draining from the screen...but the pirates and mercenarys you face during the game can take some amounts of bullets before dying.This is why headshots are important...i recommencd you use a pistol which is far more accuray then anything other then a sniper...enemys also are very intellegent and if you stay in the same positon for too long they will flank you

It took me about 9 and a half hours to complete and it was a very entertaining time and the game looks fantastic due to the motion-cap animation.If nothing else, Uncharted is a graphical showcase for the PlayStation 3, and it dazzles the senses at nearly every opportunity.