Uncharted Drake's fortune marked the beginning of the most profitable franchise of the PlayStation 3

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Uncharted Drake's fortune is a platform-shooting-stealth adventure game from developer Naughty Dog. The story is about the treasure hunter Nathan Drake, who travels to an island in search of the legendary treasure of El Dorado.
Well, the story is pretty good, it sucks you in and is unexpected, thats the best part. The characters are instant likable thanks that they are excellent acted and one of the most impressive things about the game is their body language, not only in the cut scenes. but in game segments as well. While you're moving around, Drake moves so naturally that you feel like you're controlling a real person.The menus are simple and easy of navigate.

Technically and graphically:
Well, what can I say, this game came out in 2007 and is still one of the best looking games not only on PS3, but on this generation too. The environments are beautiful and extremely detailed, and character models are impressive.
Technically I have experienced a few glitches and it froze me once, but they are all casual. The game supports 720p resolution.

Voice acting here is extremely well done, and sound effects are good also. The soundtrack is ok too.

Uncharted mixes three types of gameplay platform, shooting and stealth.
In exploration segments you will be doing a lot of parkour. this segments are the most enjoyable I think. The system is precise you won't be dying a lot only by calculating a wrong little distance away from the target. In the shooting segments you will be covering and aiming in shootouts that happen frequently. This segments has some problems, for example, sometimes you will being shot by many enemies from all directions and you are too weak that you can't do anything even under cover, specially in crushing mode. This leads to some frustrations. And the shootouts happens so frequently and they are so similar that they turns repetitive. You have also melee combat. which is good, it has plenty of combos, but it is almost impossible to use if you are facing more than one enemy at the time. You have the option to kill everyone with stealth kills in some segments, but it's hard because there is always somebody that spots you leading all into a new shootout.

Overall, Uncharted Drake's fortune is a PS3 classic and everyone with this system should try it. It may turn a little frustrating at times, but its great story, beautiful graphics and engaging characters will keep you immersed to the very end.