A review of the playthrough on Normal difficulty. An amazing game.
While the game can be difficult at times, it is definitely fun.
Gameplay- 9.0
Great gameplay. The few puzzles in the game are great, but a little too easy. But the massive gunfights make up for how easy the puzzles are. I've died at least once on every MASSIVE gunfight(By massive, I mean like 20 people at once, and after that, another wave of about 3-5 people.). However, the cover system is a bit off, as sometimes when I want to cover, I end up rolling right into the enemies.
And it is REALLY annoying when you cover on the wrong side and all the enemies shoot you. The platforming is very good, but its annoying when you leap or do one of those shimmy jump things and end up going another way and dying.
Otherwise, the gameplay is awesome.
Graphics- 9.5
I might be overrating it, as I am not used to how awesome the PS3 graphics are yet. I'll probably end up rating UC2 graphics 10. Oh well. Just know that I'm not used to the PS3 graphics and how good they are, so I might have overrated.
The graphics are obviously good. What do you expect from a PS3 game? I don't need to explain anything more than that.
Music/Sound- 8.0
Sound is like bullets and things falling. Music is, well, music.
I like the music, though I have to say sometimes they put music in at random times. The sound is realistic, and when I'm shimmying(or whatever it's called)
and I hear a cracking sound, it's like a warning that what i'm shimmying on is about to fall. I can't say much else about this, though.
Voice acting- 10
Everyone has PERFECT voice acting. Nate has it perfect, Sully has it perfect, god. Where does Naughty Dog find these people?
Loading- 7.5
Loading takes a while. There's a little gold medallion in the corner that reminds me of older games and how they used to have things like that to entertain you.
SEEING SOMETHING SPIN OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN DOES NOT ENTERTAIN YOU. Or maybe it was just for those games that have really long loading times to convince you your game hasn't frozen.
Extras- 8.5
Finding hidden treasures(60 in all, I believe.), getting new costumes for Nate,
and others. It's something extra to do when you're bored.
Total- 9.0
This game is a great game. I can't wait to start on Uncharted 2.