Uncharted looks good. But it's brilliant.

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
From the moment you start the game, and find yourself on the boat as a bunch of pirates attack, you realise Uncharted isn't entirely original.
Yeah, Elena will be the romantic interest. The pirates will torment you throughout the game. The storyline revolves around a treasure.
But the game somehow blends these together so brilliantly.
The boat setting is quickly lost, and you'll soon find yourself in a lush jungle setting, with a good bit of water and ancient ruins. It's here where games truly start using the vast power of the PS3, and all those little details- the bird calls in the jungle, Nate's mumbling to himself during a gunfight, the facial expressions, even the great little reloading sounds for the guns- just add up together to make one great experience.
The gameplay will usually switch between firefights where Nate always is an underdog, or platforms and puzzles- which obviously get harder the further the player gets into the game. Sometimes you'll feel like you're merely getting into fight after fight, with a little platforming as breaks- but when you do, that's when the game starts throwing in some extras, be it using a turret on the back of a speeding vehicle, or fighting on a jetski.
Unlike some shooters, Nate can only carry two guns- typically a handgun, and something bigger which can range from an assault rifle to a grenade launcher. As well as that, ammo is hardly plentiful, and you'll prefer using cover and going for precise shots, rather then just charging out.
The enemies are intelligent, and also have a very annoying knack of always seeming to hit you when you aren't using cover. Fortunately, NaughtyDog, unlike their previous games where the character needs to pick up health, have allowed Nate to regenerate his health. Unfortunately, this means you don't want to be out in the open for too long.
The storyline hardly consumes the game, but it does stay interesting, and at the risk of spoilers, it does include a couple of great twists.
The game also offers replay value, allowing the player to collect hidden treasures, trophies, which also allow the player "points" which can be used to unlock guns, art, skins, and other features.
Uncharted is one of the best PS3 exclusives out there, and it's definitely worth a place on your shelf.
I simply adore this game, and Uncharted will be long remembered after most the 2007 games.
Well worth the money.