Treasure hunting is so fun
this game is AWESOME. this is one of the best games on the PS3, and i hope it is put on the greatest hits list so everyone can expereince it.
basically a 3rd person shooter with some innovative hand melee combat interwoven with minor cutscenes, and some awesome Assasin's Creedesqe climbing challenges. now it isn't necesarrilly straight forward, because it flows well, sometime you feel directed, but it flows well; mission objectives, paths in jungle, in buildings, extras.
I enjoy the in game extra treasures to find and things to unlock, but i do not enjoy the amount of ammo you must go through in order to kill someone. this is the biggest downside to this game, people won't die. they will with a headshot, and if you can get close and melee them down, shoot and punch run and gun style works too, but shooting 6-10 times in the chest is annoying.
i don't have to tell you about the graphics, detail, beauty, story... because Naughty Dog speaks for itself, check out the screenshots.
One of my top games ever!