Pretty, Fun, yet frustrating as *insert explicative here*
Although your deaths might be understandable, (poked your head out at a sniper too long,) it will still feel cheap, and have you wanting to throw your controller at the TV screen. One of my favorite examples comes at a part most of the way through the game where you fight these zombie like monsters. (that's all I'll say.) Number 1, there were a million ways they could have taken the game without these creatures, as it takes you away from the main combat style. I for one was very content finally having a game where I get to shoot a human being instead of some alien being. All of a sudden I'm pitted against creatures who can kill me in two hits, and there's enough of them to make this frustratingly harder than it should have been! Unfortunately these creatures do tie into the story, though I won't say how, and I can't really complain about the way they tie in, but they're a cheap death war machine.
Another disappointing part would be the save system. It isn't broken by any means, but there are some major set piece battles you'll have to play all the way through, only to be killed in a smaller battle immediately after, and have to play the whole section again. It isn't an extremely often occurrence, but it happens enough to be noted.
My last downer would be a few of the wall climbs. They get monotonous, note this is only the wall climbing sections and not the jungle climbing. The difference is, the jungles were lush and beautiful to look at, everything is bright green and it's a pleasant and truly rewarding experience to get through it all. However climbing on a wall will fill your screen with a white hue wall that's supposed to be stone, but is completely and utterly uninteresting. While I feel rewarded at surviving a jungle, the walls are just a frustrating pale monotony that should have been avoided or diversified the color of the stones.
Having said that there are a ton of reasons to play the game. When you are fighting humans (which admittedly the majority of the game, the battles make you think in an instant and are truly great to participate in.
The graphics are out of this world, I absolutely love the jungle island they've created for us, towns and all. It's a spectacular early use of PS3 technology. In that respect this game is pretty much a pioneer.
The characters are to die for, all three main characters are wonderful and feel absolutely real. Why? Because the creators at Naughty Dog actually used actors to act out the cutscenes, and then CG'd their movements onto their computers, and the rest is history. These are truly some of the best characters I've had the honor of playing in a while.
While Uncharted may have frustrating faults, it's endearing, and playable the whole way through. It looks beautiful, it sounds amazing, the characters are wonderful, it's just the little things that got in the way of an easy perfect 10.