A movie story turned videogame and done right!! A game worth owning

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3

Let me get the bad out of the way first. 1) You will see some texture popping. 2) You will fall at times trying to make a jump or two. 3) .Jetski portion felt a little bland but still fun. 4) regular pistol feels slightly more powerful than it should.

On to the rest:
Amazing does not really do justice to this title. It is a very story driven, action packed, and sense-tingling experience. Story: The game starts out with a typical treasure hunt that goes wrong. You'll find yourself trying avoid getting killed while unraveling the mystery surrounding Sir. Drake's hidden treasure. You have some people that accompany you in your mission. For the details you'll have to play the game.

Gameplay: A platformer/shooter with some simple puzzle that fit perfectly with the environment and storyline (those looking for challenging brain twister may need to look elsewhere). Jumping from pillar to pillar, wall to wall, or vine to vine is a ton of fun. The game uses a cover system ala Killswithc/Gears of War and it works great. You can only carry two weapons at a time and grab those from your enemies, providing you with some strategy as to how to use the weapons. Oh, and it has some melay attacks. My favorite? Diving in between an enemies leg and knocking them out in the process... and snapping necks when sneaking up on them.

Graphics: Gorgeous and detailed. Character movement and facial expressions are superb. You'll see your enemies shoot at you in so many ways (from behind walls, diving to the ground, gunning straight for you, etc). Your character has this realism to him. He doesn't make every jump perfectly, he shows frightened expressions with explosions, reacts to bullets passing by, feels fluid when aiming or running, etc. The environment are vibrent/colorful and dark and eerie when in caverns or in doors. The lighting and shaodws in this game are so impressive.

Sound: dialog is outstanding. The story all throughout. It is not a play and wait for a cut-scene to explain (everything is happening as you go) . Naturally occurring! That's the best way I can describe the story thanks to the dialog present. The music really immerses you in the game. it blends in perfectly with the goings of the game and never feels like it is interrupted or intrusive. Overall: Uncharted will take you an estimate of 9hrs to finish but the pacing of the story and the game elements feel just right for its length. The game has simplistic game mechanics that as a whole really provide an amazing and unforgettable experience. Mystery, plot twists, and likable characters make this game have a lasting appeal. Add to it treasure, unlockables, awards, and different difficulty levels to test your abilities, you would be doing yourself a disservice not owning this one! GO BUY IT!