What every game of this genre should learn from.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Though this is not far removed from other "cover, shoot, repeat" games with your random vehicle chases and wall climbing, it is definitely the most fun I have had doing exactly that in a long time.

The great thing about Uncharted is that no aspect of the game was sacrificed for the benefit of something else. The story worked great for a game of this genre, and it is well supported in every aspect. I never felt irritated when I was taken out of the control position and replaced with cut scenes because they were beautifully animated. Plus they were hilarious without being cheesy, making it impossible not to love the characters. But the animation of these scenes was not the only place where the art of the game could shine; every environment and character rendering were perfectly created.

Though this game leaves little to complain about when everything is said and done, something that did get a little obnoxious was the number of enemies. Half of the time I felt like I was watching the wildebeest in the Lion King flooding down the walls of my surroundings to keep me from advancing to the next area of the level for just a while longer. And then, as the game advanced they became harder and harder to pick off. I know if I had seven bullets in me I wouldn't be running around, throwing grenades like a cheerleader throwing t-shirts out at a baseball game. Then again, I would be down for the count after one. But I'm only human…

Which brings me to one last thing. Now I will precede this by saying that horror games and I do not mix, so after shooting down men for 6 or 7 hours I was nowhere near the right mindset for a creature feature. So when those cave dwellers come out of nowhere towards the end I was in shock and ready to hug my shotgun and call it a day. But after a hunkered down and got through it, I was all the more satisfied with the experience, though still slightly frazzled.

With the great gameplay and replayability this game has to offer, Uncharted is one of the best games I have played in a long time. In other words, if there is any game that will make me question my loyalty to my 360, this is the one, and I cannot wait for the sequels to follow.