Must Have For PS3 one of the best out so far!!!!
The graphics are the first thing that will astonish you, the rendering is great the visuals from scenes are life like. For me I thought the jet ski levels stud out the most for graphics. The best thing is that everything plays smoothly no frame freezing or crashing, it all goes together great.
The Sound is good as well, it synchronizes with game play with no delays. If the sub woofer is turned up you will feel the impact from explosions and gun shots.
The game play. The gun fights have to be the best thing, you will never go through a level and do the same thing you will shoot from different cover, kill in different ways etc, this is helped by the fact that the AI of the enemies is really intelligent, say for instance you take cover behind a wall the enemy will start to flank you straight away so you have to go from cover to cover, when you health decreases the screen will start to go black and white clearly indicating you need to keep out of the way of the enemy. The cover system works really well aswel there is never glitches.
The climbing system works smoothly and acts realistically, for example jumping of a high ledge the character will stumble a bit when he lands or forward role. Hanging on a ledge and shooting over using it as cover.
Levels. Every level has been created with full detail and interaction, during game play the cut scenes fit nicely together and there is no loading screens to have to wait and there is the option to skip them but they give the game more character and involve the player more and reveal key information that you would'nt get by skipping them. The game play is great it varies all the time you will be going from gun fights to puzzles to shooting from jeeps, riding jet skis etc.
The only bad point about the game is that it doesn't take long to complete on normal difficulty it will take about 7 hours to complete for most people, but the quality of the play adds to the replay value and there is loads to unlock like cinematic's and different choices for playing through levels such as playing in fast motion changing the colour etc.
Another bad point is no online, which just about every game has now but the campaign is enough to keep you playing more and more.
Overall this game is great and I would recommend it because it is the best PS3 exclusive out so far, i would'nt recommend it if your a fan of online gaming and tend not to stick to story mode.
Graphics: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Game play: 9/9
Long term Value: 7
Overall: 9