SO FAR.........this is what next gen LOOKS like!!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
I'm not finished with this game yet, but I will tell you that I am impressed with the visuals of this game. Nothing, well maybe heavenly sword, but in my personal opinion, this game is what true next gen is all about. Forget Gears of war or Halo 3. Those games look really good, but Uncharted looks effin' radical. From the way the character's hair looks or their skin's pores. The soundtrack blends everything together from frenzied gunfire to unexplored caves and the such. At first it took a little getting used to all the polish, but my eyes adjusted and I began to take in the story and haven't really put it down yet.
It does play like Gears of War, but I like this game's attitude better. It's not a blood fest, but I do like the blood splatter when you take a guy out with a head shot. Its a well put together game and the challenge is self setting. At least it feels like it adjusts to your gameplay quality. But I do suggest this game to any PS3 owner and to any video game player. This is NEXT GEN.