Naughty Dog have made the leap to the "Next Gen" and gone in a very different Direction.. Prepare to be amazed!
The story of Uncharted whilst it may appear to have unoriginal concepts, don't worry it lives up to the hype. Uncharted has a brilliant and enjoyable story which involves some of the best and memorable characters I've ever come across, most certainly within the action/adventure genre. The plot was clever, intriguing and always left you on the edge of your seat desperately wanting to know what happens next.
The graphics and the way the game is presented is amazing and we finally have a true representation of what the PS3 is capable of and why it will stand out in the future. This was an area Naughty Dog did not get lazy in, everything from the lighting to the way drake moves right down to the impressive lip sync and the thousands of animations and details that were added, its just strait out amazing.
Uncharted's characters would not stand out so well if if were not for the brilliant voice talent involved, these guys really bought these characters to life. Uncharted easily has some of the best voice acting seen in 2007 rivalling both Bioshock and Mass Effect. The music and SFX in the game was immersive, dynamic and never seemed to be out of place and constantly drew you into the environment and contributed to making one of the best sounding games of the year.
Uncharted whilst not offering any kind of multi-player mode offers much replay starting from just the sheer enjoyment of playing the game as once you finish it you will be tempted to back through at least a second time, but besides from this game just being plain out fun they added in achievements similar tio that seen on the Xbox 360 which offer more dynamic rewards for collecting treasure, getting head shots etc. and will give you the ability to collect points and as you collect certain amounts of points you can have fun making quirky changes to certain things in the game.
In conclusion Uncharted is just plain out fun and in my books is an instant classic that just perfected everything found in an action adventure game and performed on every level. A slightly longer story mode or some kind of multi-player might of been desirable by some but this is just one game which I find hard to fault and will highly recommend to anyone who is a fan of the genre.