I'm hard to please, and pleased I was...

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
This game is graphically very scenic, I've traveled to many places across the globe and none seem to compare to the settings you play in is one, it absolutely breathtaking. I find it looks very similar to the Caribbean. The game play will make you stay in your chair with its heart pounding action and puzzles. The enemy will move just as you fire at times which makes it a bit aggravating but that's if you go for headshots! ha ha. Shoot in the body it takes 4 rounds to put them to sleep. One bullet for a headshot, and you get rewarded for headshots. You will also be awarded points for finding various objects throughout the game so be on the lookout for sparkles in sometime odd or sometimes hairy places such as near 100-foot cliffs. The suspense in this game is addicting. You will want to play it all the way through the first time you pick up the controller to find out what the Drake treasure is. Plus find out if he gets the girl.

You will be scaling walls riding jet skis and riding in jeeps. The camera system is nice and simple and you will find it to be user friendly unlike some games out there. It has a lot of classic successful game styles in it i.e. Resident Evil –With its Puzzle game play, and it should be fun and well worth the price of $59.99. I personally like this game and I'm tough to please.