One of the best reasons to own a PS3.

User Rating: 8.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3

* Engaging story and atmosphere, with plenty of likable characters.
* A decent balance between gun play, platforming and puzzle solving.


* Introducing monsters in these kinds of game annoy me. It's like. To begin with it's about the treasure and beating dudes to finding the treasure and that's cool. But it feels like most every game or movie with this kind of plot throws in a supernatural element and then BAM! There are crawling monkey monster things that are trying to rend your flesh from bone.
* It's short. I think I finished it in about 10 hours and that's taking into account the fact I suck at this kind of game and had to restart a couple of segments a few times before I got it right.

I haven't got a whole lot to say about this one.
It's an excellent game and it's got me excited about the prospect of a sequel.
It plays something like Gears of War with a dash of Tomb Raider for good measure.

Combat is Gears like, you'll take cover behind often destructible bits of... Cover and be forced to move every so often to keep things going, but it's enjoyable.
But like Tomb Raider between the combat there will be puzzle solving segments and light platforming for a bit of variety.

I perhaps wish there were a bit more puzzle solving and light platforming. Both because I quite enjoyed those segments but also because the game was kind of short and a few more ledges to leap from and switches to pull here and there could've extended the experience somewhat.

The characters are all pretty much established cliched in the genre, but they're likable cliches.
The back and forth between the characters is fun to listen too and I hope they put some more focus on dialogue when the sequel rolls around. Nathan's pretty funny, but that could have been given more chance to shine through.

So it's a great game and being part of the Platinum Collection, well it's a steal these days - so if for some reason haven't played it yet I'd say now is as good a time as any to get around to it.