The good, beautiful graphics and stunning water visuals grade A+. Controls very accurate and responsive. Music A+++
I played the game 3x's normal and then 3x's on hard mode. I love searching for secrets/medal/treasure and get rewarded for it. I like the fact that you can shut off the game hints, i don't like hints, i like to solve the puzzles my self. Music and gameplay work perfect together, every beat played was top notch (truly loved it). I thought boishock and or crysis had nice looking water but i think uncharted beat them all so far in my opinion. (ok crysis is nice) I played on a 42inch hdtv 1080p (i think uncharted only runs on 720p) the part on the river where you ride the jet ski up i killed all the bad guys then i started to screw around the rapids and let me tell you i got sea sick lol. Any game that can pull that off, well you get the idea, just lovely water visuals. If you like great music to go with the game, well then naughty dog did a great job here. Shooting/aiming is nice and easy and if you don't like to shoot that much, go and do some hand to hand combat. there are some button combos but don't hit then fast like in tekken or other fighter games go nice and easy and the moves come out like magic. If you hit then fast you won't get the combo move you are looking for.My favorite is the no loading of levels, they all seem to blend together and smoothly. Ok enough with the good as there is to much to write here so, let's get to the not so good.
the not so good, enemies can be overwhelming only because to many come out and you can't stay in 1 place for to long because the will flank you.
Jumping from platform to platform is very easy but there are a few spots where you are guarantee to die. played the game several times and these spots always get you (F&*^**). there is also a few spot where i got stuck do to game glitches like, climbing a rock got stuck had to reload. the game auto saves at certain spot and even if you save ten times it overwrites the last save. I wish i could save myself. I have more patients then other people or else i might have given this game an 8.5. but i truely enjoyed it so i give it a 9.5.