Amazing game I enjoyed every minute.
The game is incredibly realistic, drake's movement of his body is brilliant. Whats more is that everyone else moves well too. The enemies arent stupid and dont just walk into bullets but equaly they arent too hard so it delivers a purely satisfying kill. Also Elena and Sully, arent stupid either. they get a couple of enemies as well so it truely feels like your playing in a partnership whilst your really still doing all the work.
The story line is also brilliant with lots of twists and turns to keep you glued to your ps3 for a while. I wont give away the plot, you'll have too play the game for that!
The only ways I feel there is room for immprovement (there is always room for improvement, you will never find a perfct game) is if there was maybe an online mode and an option for two - players to play the game at once. One as drake and the other as Elena or Sully.
Overall this was a great game and I reccomend it to everyone.