With all the fuss over Uncharted 3 coming out and everyone talking about how great of a series this is I decided to give it a try. I was not impressed. The pacing at the beginning of the game was rather slow in my opinion. The graphics had there highs and lows. While small touches such as Drakes pants getting wet when he walks through water show off an enormous attention to detail other effects like some of the explosions seem unbelievable. The story was not compelling at all. Over half of the game was the same thing over and over again. Climb, run for cover, shoot, repeat. The platforming for me was a love hate relationship. I loved how smooth it was and it was fun to jump from ledge to ledge. The only problem was that I hated trying to find what ledge started the platforming sequences. The way the game is made makes you think that you should be able to climb onto more ledges than the game actually lets you climb onto. Though in reality I think that the only reason I was so picky with the platforming is because I was used to games like infamous and assassin's creed where you are literally able to climb on everything. There is no variety in enemies until the very end of the game. I don't want to give anything away but the game was just very boring until these new enemies were introduced. After this I did go on to play Uncharted 2, and I have to say that the second one is AMAZING!! If you ask me I would tell you to just skip the first one and jump right into the second. It is a shame that the first one didn't live up to the potential that it had.
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What do you get when you combine duck and cover shooting, dare devil stunts, and a treasure seeking adventure? If you said Indiana Jones you're wrong, but you weren't far off. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a PS3 exclus... Read Full Review
Pros: + fast-paced combat is brutally satisfying + balanced pacing, including the exhilarating gunplay and steady platforming + good amount of mission variety + varied visuals brimming with detail, superb animations... Read Full Review