One of the best story driven games of all time

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
well this game is by far my favoirte of all time. im a huge fan of indiana jones and similar plot like that, but this defiantly set itself apparent.

the story: the story is simply amazing, from the characters to the plot itself it was nearly perfect. granted some people didnt like where it ended up but i loved it.

gameplay: also nearly perfect, the cover system worked amazingly and the game plays much like a movie so it is alot of fun. there are scenes or chapters where u get to drive a jet ski or ur a turret on a truck which make it even more fun.

difficulty: well not including crushing mode which is harder then, well its so hard i can't even come up with a good annology, but the other modes are not that hard, just right where u die alot but u dont get pissed off. one bad thing is that it take like 5 or 6 shot to kill some guys in the game. this and some minor glitching are the only two bad things about this game.

overall: so overall the game is a must own, it has amazing replay value, to get trophies to earn new skins for drake and other unlockables. the story plays out like a movie, and the gameplay is amaizng. arguably one of the greatest games ever mad and by for the best on ps3.