This is not a 9.5. The actual score is 9.8.

User Rating: 9.5 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
When my brother bought Uncharted a couple of weeks ago, I was kind of on the line of wanting to play this game and not play it. In less than a week of playing this game, I beat it and loved it. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune was created by Naughty Dog (creators of the Jak and Daxter series) and they have certainty made it a pure entertaining experience. This game is more of an Indiana Jones meets Prince of Persia and it is done beautifully. You play as a thief named Nate who has a famous ancestor named Francis Drake. As the story goes, you are trying to find El Derado and sell it for money. As all treasure hunts go, there is always another group going after it as well. The others are pirates who got information from your older but wiser hunter named Sully who is in debt with the pirates. The story is fantastic. Some funny dialogue but it is all top notch. The voice acting and sinking is superb. The graphics is must seriously point out. Perfect. From the sun shining through the trees to your clothes becoming soaked after leaving water, they are pure amazing. The gameplay is both rewarding and a pain in the ass. This is more of a shoot and cover system (like gears of war). If you don't take cover, you will die ESPECIALLY in the final chapters of this game. You have no idea how many times I died from coming out of cover for too long. This game is very tough as you progress but not unbeatable. The one problem is that the soldiers take WAY TOO MANY bullets to kill them. Hopefully they patch that up and make it even more entertaining. Your weaponry goes from pistols to grenade launchers (maybe a dozen guns to use). I was really happy with the autosave ability. As I was playing I didn't save a lot and suddenly the game froze on me (only happened that one time) and I was so furious that I would have to do all of the stuff again but when I turned it on, it went back to the part where the game froze. So you don't really need to save but I wouldn't recommend not saving. SPOILER ALERT (GO TO THE THREE STARS TO CONTINUE THE REVIEW): Towards the last chapters of the game I met these demon crawlers and I was kind of bewildered why they would put those guys in there but when you find out about El Derado I was surprised that they would put the time into telling us what happened to the demons. Another reason why the story is fantastic.
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Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is a must play for all PS3 gamers. This is a fantastic game that is also a movie. Don't rent it, buy it and for the price it is worth now, get it. Uncharted receives my recommendation and with the second one coming out soon, I can hardly wait. 9.8