User Rating: 10 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
uncharted is easily the greatest game i have ever played. the levels and the gameplay are incredible. the graphics and visuals are absolutely the best i have ever seen. no other game even comes close to the stunning visuals uncharted presents. for a fairly new title that came out for the ps3 it is simply amazing and nothing more can describe it. once you play the game or should i say lifelike game in HD you feel like you are Nathan Drake. the environments in the game and the treasure statues are so lifelike it is unbelievable. All i can say is that Uncharted is the greatest game i have ever played and for that matter own. its simply the best in its class and to date. it is going to be very hard to top and AAA game by any developer. Naughty Dog is going to have to work very hard at producing a part 2 that lives up to the first.

Naughty Dog you have set an unreachable bar so far in the video game industry!

Thank you very much