Since haze got delayed until May 23rd 2008 Uncharted took role and became my favourite PS3 christmas title

User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Anyone who says uncharted is crap is either an Xbot, someone who hates games or just simply a non action/adventure type gamer. but if you do like action/adventure then this is your game to get. uncharted boosts not only gameplay but graphics to a new level. Its stunning water effects makes me want a drink lol. And the cutscenes make this feel like a movie like heavenly sword did but more of an indiana jones type film well basically it is indiana Jones but i would way preffer this. The gameplay feels so realistic one you shoot and reload you see Nathan Drake pant out of energy and the close combat feels so exciting and a relief since the guard you kill is usually the guard that has killed you a hundred times and you so knew he deserved that after he goes flying from an upercut.
final rating is 9.0 Brilliant