Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is one of the best PS3 exclusives out right now and you need to pick it up right away
User Rating: 9 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune is truly an outstanding game and it should not be missed. It's about a guy named Nathan Drake who tries to find his great ancestor's treasure. This game is filled with a lot of action, it has some funny lines, and it has some great puzzles. This game is a third-person shooter. So if you like shooters, but hate them in first-person, this game really would fit with you in your description. This game has no online what so ever, but still is one of the most amazing PS3 exclusives out right now. Also, this game has trophy support, so it wants you want to beat it again and again. I have yet to get the platinum for this game yet. I will need to replay on the hardest difficulty. Also, I beaten it on Easy, and it was still a pretty hard game. Overall, this game has beautiful graphics, amazing gameplay, and a well put story. You should definitely pick up this game if you own a PS3.