Definetly deserves a sequel
The Good: Obviously the first thing you notice about this game is the graphics everything looks perfect such as the plants, water and drake himself. The physics of this game is fantastic ranging from drake loosing his balance when he gets to close to a ledge or the way he jumps. The script writers have come up with a totally original script which has been helped by great voice overs from the actors. There is a wide variety of weapons ranging from the pistol to a rocket luancher but the one problem with the guns is that you'll have to shoot the AL quite alot to bring them down. The cover works well and you definetly need to use it as drake dies pretty easily unlike the Al
The Bad: Like I said before the AL can just take to much damage. It sought of feels like your going through ambush after ambush. The game quickly goes from a action adventure to a horror game for some reason. I don't think they could've made it much longer but it's pretty short but it does warrant more time after you've finished to collect all the hidden treasures. The platforming of the game is way to forgiving and easy and the puzzles are so easy a two year old could figure them out.
As you can see there's a lot of good and bad and I can't say it's worth $120 so I'd say go and rent and if you love it go buy it.