Decent Graphics, Tomb Raider wannabe, and very addictive once you get the game play down. Nice Game.

User Rating: 8 | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune PS3
The Graphics are main stream, nothing too spectacular. The storyline though not unique, is interesting in the way it progresses through each level.
The game play gets a little frustrating at times. Sometimes it is hard to hide behind certain obstacles without getting shot many times and have to run to recover your health. The attacking players weirdly and the targeting system is a lot to be desired but you can master it with patience.
By the the way - this is sort of a knockoff of Tomb Raider. I had to say that because:
1. Its true
2. Ms Croft made me write it. (LOL)
This game can get addicting, and once you get a hold of the game play, well lets just say, play on the weekend (Friday, Saturday) therefore you should be ale to get ample rest for school/work on Monday. Trust me you don't wanna lose your job or miss finals because of this one. I played this at my friends house and we were up until about 4:00am Saturday morning, still playing and looking for munchies.
Rent first, then buy or buy and sell back, if you don't want it in your Master Library.