a fun game to play but its lacking a certain something
User Rating: 7 | Underworld: The Eternal War PS2
underworld is a fun game to play where you are given the choice of becoming the lycans aka werewolves or the vampires. basically you are dropped into a middle of a level fending for yourself against a legion of your opposition. the lycan side is much easier than the vampire because you can turn into werewolves (or in my case, raze turned into a chicken who OH-KO'ed every opponent, from the usual vampire thugs to the bosses like christov and viktor) who deal a lot of damage. in the vampires side, you have to defeat a horde of werewolves some of which dwarf you by three times and is much harder because the vampires have to rely on weapons rather than hand to hand combat. once you finish the game you unlock the hybrid micheal who deals a lot of damage in hand to hand but cant use weapons. overall, underworld is a fun game to play but the game has no unexpected turns as all the levels are quite similar to each other so the game play is predictable and gets boring after a while. still, by its own right, it is a good game but it lacks originality and the element of surprise.