I'm over 30 years old. I know how to play games of all genders and on all systems. I say that so that I'm not mistaken for a 9 year old gamer who's playing an adult sized and adult themed game. Unit 13 is a military, 3rd person action shooter. The presentation, menus, sound, voice overs, intercom, explosions....are all A-number-1 quality parts. All things the Vita so desperately needed.
But fellas I'm here to tell you this game has some of the most idiotic, sporadic, insanely punishing AI and gameplay scenarios and frankly.....it plays like it never went through a developer testing phase at all, not once, notta.
You will not finish this game. My warning to you is for you to save your Vita from an early grave. Remove the game from your Vita....step away from the Vita slowly.....discard the Unit 13 game into the nearest trash receptacle....allow your Vita to cool down and do not throw your Vita against any wall or crush your Vita under any brick. Remember, it's not your Vita's fault. Walk away with the memory of just how fantastic Unit 13 looked as you turned it on and watched the menus come to life. Yes....you should have stopped there, but now you know.