Love it great gameplay and keeps you wanting more. Seems a bit dull to start but after first 2 missions, its awesome !!!

User Rating: 7 | Unit 13 VITA
Have to say very impressed, Started off a little dull then it just opens up.... love the time challenge missions, and online is also entertaining. Sad to see the creators team canned, cause im sure anything else they make for the Vita, would have been amazing !

I would have to say that if i was to choose between current games available, ( not many ) i would have to pick this. Unchartered was fun but too easy. This offers loads of replay value.
Graphics, Awesome,
Sound Awesome,
Atmosphere almost awesome, good enough.
Controls are great.

As i havent played for a very long time, i cannot say if there are any other options, modes or variations to the gameplay such as vehicles or more tactical team missions....which i would love to see.

So far some missions, are very short and others have a few checkpoints with enough to keep you wanting more. I think